Guidelines for the Development, Review, and Updating of National Waste Management Strategies

UNEP’s International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP IETC) and UNITAR have prepared "Guidelines for National Waste Management Strategies: Moving from Challenges to Opportunities".

The guidance is available in EnglishFrench and Spanish.

These guidelines serve to respond to calls for UNEP (through UNEP Governing Council resolutions 25/8 and 26/3) to support national implementation of integrated waste management and to the Rio+20 call for development of comprehensive national waste management strategies (paragraph 218 of the outcome document, "The Future We Want").

The strategy guidelines are intended to foster an overarching approach to national waste management planning. They build upon and cross-reference the many valuable materials that have previously been developed to provide technical support for management of individual waste streams or parts of the waste life-cycle, and to support planning in related fields such as chemicals management. The strategy guidelines also take account of recent policy emphases relating, for example, to "green economy" objectives, connections between waste management and climate change, and the potential for greater resource recovery from waste.

Waste Management and Circular Economy – Online course

In May 2020 UNITAR and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) agreed to collaborate on the development of an online course on Waste Management and Circular Economy.  The e-learning course is intended for local government officials (e.g. municipal, city or dis­trict level) and local technical officers engaged in designing and implementing waste man­agement programmes.  It can also be accessed by other stakeholders, including for example: Government officials who are not already specialists on the subject in question;  NGOs; and students and other interested persons.

It is a 6-hour video based course and includes 5 learning modules.  For the time being, the course is offered only in English. A certificate of completion will be issue if learners pass the final evaluation with a 70% mark.  The course is free of charge, however participants should register in the UNITAR learning platform at

The online course was officially launched by UNITAR and SEPA on 25 November 2021 through a webinar, which included an introduction to the course and a panel discussion on Waste Management and Circular Economy.  For the video of the webinar please link here Waste Management and Circular economy webinar.

  1. Course Syllabus
  2. Guide how to register to the course

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