Together with its academic partners, UNITAR runs a series of webinars dedicated to various issues pertaining to the modern peace and security landscape, with a specific focus on education and training needed by personnel and professionals operating in these highly complex environments. Each time, we invite a special guest from the international sector, field operations, academia or media to share their experience and expert knowledge with our audience. Thematic areas vary from current conflicts and related political developments, media coverage and perceptions of conflicts, and humanitarian affairs to personal experience of/in training and educational programmes of different levels. Webinars are free of charge and open to all interested guests.

Note: The opinions expressed in each webinar are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official position of UNITAR.

Upcoming webinars:

There are no announced webinars at the moment. Check this page regularly for updates! 

Watch past webinars below.

Trumpism and the Global Economy - 19 January 2021

This webinar seeks to explore to which extent economic polarisation and populism have impacted the global economy. In particular, it focuses on the US 45th President – Donald Trump's approach to the domestic economy and potential long-term implications for the US in the international context. Following Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again,” the webinar offers some critical insights into how America’s position as a global economic and democratic leader might need to be reconsidered. With Dr. Lucia Morales, Scholar and Active Researcher in the School of Accounting and Finance at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin).

The webinar is organised by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and UNITAR as part of the open webinar series on peace, security and global development.

Learn more about the flagship project of UNITAR and UOC - a joint online Master's in Conflict, Peace and Security.


Interview - Mr. Nikhil Seth, Executive Director of UNITAR on the Role of Online Learning and Education - 13 August 2020

As part of WHF Talks, Mr. Nikhil Seth - UNITAR Executive Director - discussed the role of online training, education and capacity building along with challenges placed on education globally caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Seth also analysed how online learning creates more flexible opportunities for students to advance their personal development, while keeping in mind the necessity to consider the digital divide.


Challenges of Intercultural Communication in Fragile Contexts - 29 July 2020

In the webinar, the keynote speaker Dr. Krzyzanowski - diplomat, pedagogue, orientalist and expert in the Middle East affairs - analyses and discusses basic theoretical issues related to intercultural communication as well as its best practices and cultural sensitivities that should be taken into account when working in fragile contexts. In the focus of the analysis is the case study of Afghanistan, which is used to highlight the importance of meeting human needs for justice and reconciliation in conflict settings and peacebuilding approaches.


Peacebuilding and Restorative Justice: Lessons Learned from the Community in South Africa - 4 June 2020

In many conflict-affected societies, gross violations of human rights have occurred and /or are ongoing, and there are demands for accountability from domestic and international actors, from victims to society at large. It is for this reason that transitional justice processes have been developed. This webinar examines, through the South African case study, the interaction between the rule of law, security sector, and community interactions to move from being a fragile and conflict-affected society to one of peace.

With 11 years of experience in humanitarian aid and social development most of which was accumulated in South Africa, our invited speaker Marx Gertenbach works with youth vulnerable to gang violence, substance abuse, human trafficking, gender-based violence and extreme poverty. He specialises in person-centred community development, emphasising community strengths within humanitarian programmes.


-Marx Gertenbach, Social Scientist in Humanitarian Aid and Social development

-Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Programme Director of the Master in Conflict, Peace and Security at UNITAR

-Dr. Daniel Rajmil Bonet, Programme Director of the Master in Conflict, Peace and Security at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

More information about the online Master in Conflict, Peace and Security, designed by UNTAR and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, can be found here


COVID-19 & Suffrage: The Impact of Pandemic on the Future of Elections - 27 May 2020

This first part of the open webinar series on electoral policy and administration will discuss the impact of COVID19 on suffrage. How will COVID-19 affect the delivery of future elections? Is the right to free and fair elections at risk of being compromised due to the pandemic?

With the participation of:

  • Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Programme Director of the Master in Elector Policy and Administration at UNITAR
  • Professor Andrea de Guttry, Programme Director of the Master in Electoral Policy and Administration at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • Marina Del Greco, Programme Coordinator at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
  • Mwiza Kalisa, Programme Coordinator at UNITAR
  • Dr. Mulanda El Lwamba Juma, St. Augustine University, Johannesburg

More information about the online Master in Electoral Policy and Administration, designed by UNTAR and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna can be found here

Education, Learning, and Capacity Building in our Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges - 21 May 2020

In the midst of these challenging times, the questions about how the job market will be transformed directly affect other sectors of society, not the least, learning institutions. The use of online structures, its value and challenges, and the future of traditional formats of education, learning, and capacity building seems to indicate a future. In this session, we are teaming up with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to discuss the future of education, learning, and capacity building in our digital world. Join our guests, Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Dr. Yannick Du Pont, So-Young Kang, Dr. Daniel Rajmil Bonet, and Magda Resende Ferro for a frank debate about what does the future of education and capacity building look like. With special appearances by Feraye Ozfescioglu, CEO of WHF and Evariste Karambizi, Director, Division for Peace, UNITAR.

With World Humanitarian ForumGnowbe, Spark, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).


Education in Times of Crisis - 7 May 2020

Today’s global context has increased pressures and complexities. On one hand, the international community must continue to focus on the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the need to deliver measurable transformative change. On the other hand, the world has come to a halt and the COVID pandemic is at the centre of combined international efforts.

The provision of education under UN SDG 4 is crucial to enhancing sustainable development. According to the UN, over 265 million children are out of school. While major progress has been made in the last 10 years in improving access to education, issues surrounding a lack of trained teachers, poor conditions of schools and a lack of education provision in rural communities need to be improved. Similarly, while equality has been improved with regards to primary education between girls and boys, few countries have been able to achieve this target in all levels of education. Therefore, we need to ask how we can improve educational opportunities for all in the challenging times of COVID.

It is with this in mind that World Humanitarian Forum (WHF) & UNITAR want to encourage cross-sector dialogue and partnerships to enable the international community to connect and shape the future for a better tomorrow. In this spirit, WHF & UNITAR bring the discussion of education provision in times of crisis.

Moderator: Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Division for Peace, UNITAR

- Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander, Chair, UNICEF UK
- Noella Coursaris Musunka, Founder, Malaika Foundation
- Yasmine Sherif, Director, Education Cannot Wait


Skills and Abilities Needed to Effectively Deploy Humanitarian and Development Coordination in a World in Transition: What is Your Role? - 23 April 2020

The webinar aims to explore different aspects of humanitarian and development cooperation and work, especially in light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, and features contributions from Dr. Nicolai Due-Gundersen, Political Commentator, Mr. Beamie-Moses Seiwoh, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Reporting and Learning Specialist, as well as experts from UNITAR and Oxford Brookes University.

More information about the online Master in Humanitarian Action and Peacebuilding, designed by UNTAR and Oxford Brookes University can be found here


Working for Peace in Turbulent Times: What Skill Sets Will Help You Make a Difference? - 27 February 2020

Together with education experts from UNITAR, academics from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and a special invited speaker - Dr. Nicolai Due-Gundersen, Political Analyst and Commentator with a focus on the Middle East, in this webinar, we unpack the professional field of peace, security and humanitarian work and explore the theoretical knowledge and practical skill set needed by practicing professionals to excel in their work. The most appropriate and accessible ways of training and professional development are also in focus of the discussion.

More information about the online Master in Conflict, Peace and Security, designed by UNTAR and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, can be found here


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