UN Photo/Loey Felipe

UNITAR’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer accessible and flexible learning experiences on critical topics related to conflict resolution, peace, and security. Available on a rolling basis throughout the year in English, French, and Spanish, these courses contribute to SDG 4 by fostering inclusive, high-quality education.  

The MOOCs enhance learners’ understanding of crucial issues like Climate Action (SDG13) and Justice (SDG16), fostering critical thinking and practical skills. These courses empower individuals to apply their knowledge, making tangible contributions to global peacebuilding efforts, sustainable development, and addressing complex challenges in conflict and peace contexts.  

The MOOCs are ideal for: 

  • Professionals in conflict, peace, and security sectors.
  • Policymakers, humanitarian workers, and academics.
  • Learners interested in SDGs and global peacebuilding.
  • Anyone looking to develop practical skills for peace and security interventions. 


Courses on managing disputes and fostering peace. 

What is Conflict?

  1. The meaning of conflict.
  2. Sources of conflict.
  3. Complexity of conflict.
  4. Evolution of conflict.
  5. Actors in conflict. 

The average work time is estimated at 4 hours. Read More→

Conflict Analysis

  1. From conflict to peace.
  2. Link to conflict analysis.
  3. Theories of transition from conflict to peace.
  4. Conflict Negotiation.
  5. Conflict Mediation.
  6. Humanitarian Negotiation.
  7. UN Conflict Resolution. 

The average work time is estimated at 2 hours. Read More→

From Conflict to Peace

  1. From conflict to peace.
  2. Link to conflict analysis.
  3. Theories of transition from conflict to peace.
  4. Conflict Negotiation.
  5. Conflict Mediation.
  6. Humanitarian Negotiation.
  7. UN Conflict Resolution. 

The average work time is estimated at 2 hours. Read More→ 


Courses addressing climate action and sustainable practices. 

 Introduction to Environment, Natural Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations

  1. Introduction to the learning objectives and key concepts.
  2. Seven main reasons to care about environment and natural resources in peacekeeping operations.
  3. What can we do to address environment and natural resource challenges at the field level? 

The average work time is estimated at 2 hours. Read More→

Environment, Natural Resources and UN Peacekeeping Operations: Restoring the Governance of Natural Resources

  1. ntroduction to key concepts and definitions.
  2. Review of the linkages among natural resources and conflict and peacebuilding, respectively.
  3. Outline of how natural resources considerations have been integrated into UN peace and security operations.
  4. Introduction to the good governance of natural resources.
  5. Review of what peacekeeping operations can do to address the governance of natural resources in conflict-affected and post-conflict societies. 

The average work time is estimated at 2-3 hours. Read More→ 

Introduction to Security Sector Reform 

  1. Introduction to the Concept of Security Sector Reform.
  2. Understanding the SSR Context.
  3. Key Actors and Coordination of SSR Processes.
  4. International Support to an SSR Process. 

The average work time is estimated at 2 hours. Read More→

Milestones in UN Peacekeeping 

  1. First Generation Peacekeeping: The Cold War (1945 – 1987)
  2. Second Generation Peacekeeping: Following the Cold War (1988 – 1996)
  3. Third Generation Peacekeeping: Peace Support Operations (1997 – present)
  4. Fourth Generation Peacekeeping: The Next Twist 

The average work time is estimated at 4 hours. Read More→

Confronting Trauma 

  1. Psychological stress and trauma.
  2. The global burden of trauma.
  3. Traumas – prevention and treatment.
  4. Scaling up trauma therapy.
  5. Towards a world plan for trauma treatment. 

The average work time is estimated at 1 hour. Read More→

Strengthening Civilian Capacities to Protect Civilians: Unarmed Civilian Protection 

  1. Introduction to Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP).
  2. UCP: Objectives, principles and sources of guidance.
  3. UCP: Key methods.
  4. UCP in practice: Preparation and entrance into the community.
  5. UCP in practice: Living in and exiting the community.  

The average work time is estimated at 1 hour. Read More→ 

Gender Matters 

  1. Defining gender.
  2. Sex vs gender.
  3. Gender as a social construct.
  4. Gender as a shared identity.
  5. Gender as order.
  6. Gender as power hierarchy.
  7. Gender stereotypes.
  8. The UN approach to gender. 

The average work time is estimated at 2 hours. Read More→ 

Youth and Peacebuilding 

  1. Key concepts of youth, peace, and UN initiatives in peacebuilding.
  2. Challenges of youth populations in conflict and post-conflict settings.
  3. Youth populations’ potential for peacebuilding and important aspects of peacebuilding projects.
  4. Inclusion and empowerment of youth populations in peacebuilding.
  5. Best practices of project design for sustainable peacebuilding. 

Read More→ 


Courses aimed at personal development and mental health. 

Understanding and Transforming Stress

  1. Understanding stress.
  2. Transforming stress. 

The average work time is estimated at 1-2 hours. Read More→ 

The Inside Job of Collaboration

  1. Basic frame for collaboration.
  2. Bridging the collaboration gap.  

The average work time is estimated at 2-3 hours. Read More→

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