UNITAR is supporting the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and the UN office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) through implementing a join project on Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing DDR Context, based on the handbook published by DPO and UNODA in 2018 and revised in 2021.
The objective of the initiative is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes on how to safely and securely handle, store and dispose of DDR weapons and ammunition and to enhance the capacity of DDR practitioners to properly manage weapons and ammunition in DDR contexts, in the framework of the new UN Approach to DDR and changing DDR contexts.
In the framework of this initiative, many capacity tools for DDR and WAM practitioners have been created. These include:
- a self-paced online course on Effective WAM in a Changing DDR context
- a blended training programme (which includes a self-paced online component and a face-to-face one) on Effective WAM in a Changing DDR context
- a training of trainers programme
- the WAM and DDR Hub - a community of practice for DDR and WAM practitioners
- an interactive e-book designed to support DDR and WAM practitioners navigate and operationalize the content of the second edition of the WAM in DDR Handbook in a mobile-accessible format.
The blended training programme
The blended training programme developed by UNITAR in collaboration with DPO and UNODA includes an online component and a face-to-face component.
The online course, available in English and French on the UNITAR e-learning platform, comprehends interactive modules as well as documents and exercises based on the fictitious scenario, Dolovia, created ad-hoc for the training in which the activities of weapons and ammunition management take place.
The face-to-face component is structured across a 5-day agenda designed to provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to plan WAM activities in DDR contexts in line with all relevant international and regional standards, guidelines and regulations and to safely manage weapons and ammunition collected in a range of DDR contexts across the peace continuum. The training includes theoretical sessions, as well as group discussions and scenario-based activities. The training also includes a practical demonstration of weapons handling, disposal of weapons, storage of weapons and ammunition and a simulation of a disarmament activity during a DDR process.
The previous editions of the course:
- Pilot: 25 – 29 July 2018 in Lomé, Togo
- I edition: 12 – 16 August 2019 in Lomé, Togo and Accra, Ghana
- II edition: 2 November – 4 December 2021 held Virtual face-to-face
- III edition: 27 September – 01 October 2021 in KAIPTC, Accra, Ghana
The WAM in DDR Training of Trainers
The training of trainers is part UNITAR’s strategy to ensure the sustainability of the initiative in support of DPO and UNODA and the dissemination of effective weapons and ammunition management practices in DDR contexts.
The programme includes two components: a self-paced online one and a virtual face-to-face one.
The virtual training programme is structured over a 10-day agenda designed to provide participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes to train other practitioners on how to safely and securely manage arms and ammunition in a range of DDR contexts across the peace continuum. The agenda is adapted from the traditional face-to-face to allow participants to practice the sessions and receive feedback as well as it was guided by the need to maintain the training participatory and engaging in the virtual setting. Participants, selected from the WAM&DDR Roster of Experts, established by DPO and UNODA in 2021, have WAM or DDR expertise alongside training and facilitation experience.
WAM and DDR Hub
In occasion of the 2020 edition of the Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management Training Course, DPO, UNODA and UNITAR launched the WAM & DDR Hub. The Hub is an Online Community of Practice, hosted on the Hivebrite online community platform, which brings together DDR and WAM practitioners, including trainers and alumni of the previous editions of the blended training course with the aim to connect, network and share experiences, advice, and guidance, including good practices related to DDR and WAM.
The Hub is conceived not only as a space to connect participants, but it also plays an essential role in the learning reinforcement and monitoring and evaluation framework.
To learn more and submit your request to join, visit: https://unddr-wam.org/
WAM in DDR Interactive E-book
In line with the new approach to DDR launched by the UN in 2019, DPO and UNODA and UNITAR produced an interactive eBook designed to support DDR and WAM practitioners navigate and operationalize the content of the second edition of the Handbook 'Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing DDR Context’ in a mobile-accessible format that can be accessed online and offline.
For offline use, click here to download the e-book on your device.
The Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in Changing DDR Context Online Course
This online course has been designed to familiarise learners with the basic content of the handbook Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing DDR Context to make sure that the key theoretical knowledge on this topic is consolidated. This scenario-based course will introduce you to the Dolovia context, a fictitious country where you will need to make sure the DDR processes are respected.
The course is divided into three modules where you will learn about:
- Planning for Weapons and Ammunition Management in a DDR Context
- Weapons and Ammunition Management Activities in Transitional and Traditional DDR Settings
- Cross-Cutting Technical Guidelines
The new version of the course, updated to be in line with the second edition of the WAM in DDR Handbook, is now available on the UNITAR e-learning platform. The course is available in English and French.
To request access to the course, please send an email to wam-ddr@unitar.org with the subject ‘’Access to Effective WAM in DDR Online Course’’, with the following information:
- Full name
- Location
- Title and/or position
- A brief sentence to state the reason why you are interested in applying to the course.
- The email address you want to be enrolled in.
You will receive the instructions to access the course.