

Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

Vía Perimetral 5, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Financial aid available

Financial aid available



4 Quality education / 6 Clean water and sanitation / 7 Affordable and clean energy / 8 Decent work and economic growth / 10 Reduced inequalities / 11 Sustainable cities and communities / 12 Responsible consumption and production / 13 Climate action / 15 Life on land / 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions / 17 Partnerships for the goals

The Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, ESPOL, is a public Higher Education Institution, dedicated to the development of scientific research in different areas. It was created in Guayaquil on October 29, 1958, in response to the great demand from different sectors that required specialized education that would contribute to the socio-cultural and economic development of the area. ESPOL's trajectory attests to its commitment to quality, innovation and sustainability, both in development and academics. ESPOL's mission is based on: "To cooperate with society to improve the quality of life and promote sustainable and equitable development, through comprehensive and competent professional training, research and innovation". Since 2018, the ESPOL Sustainability Program has been developing the same that works with the polytechnic community in activities towards sustainability, the same that are carried out from the following areas: academic (in teaching and research), operations in what has to do with the physical campus, and, linking with society through programs aimed at the community.

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