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26 February 2024, London, United Kingdom – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Professors Without Borders (Prowibo) have entered into a strategic partnership, marking a significant stride in enhancing global higher education and research. This alliance, focusing on academic development and research, underscores a shared dedication to quality education and impactful innovation.

Signed by Mr. Evariste Karambizi of UNITAR and Dr. Caroline Varin of Prowibo, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishes a framework for research collaboration and educational resource sharing. Central to this partnership is the emphasis on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4, SDG 16, and SDG 17, reflecting both organizations' aligned objectives. Key initiatives include joint research projects and the dissemination of findings through Prowibo’s academic journal, Higher Education Compass.
8 February 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - Meet Leba Gaunavinaka, a dedicated advocate for environment preservation, whose entire career has been a testament to her commitment. Serving as UNOSAT's embedded technical expert within the Government of Fiji's climate change adaptation team, Leba has greatly contributed to shaping climate discussions. Her skills and unique perspective, derived from hands-on experience in the field, provide invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by the Pacific Islands. As we delve into her experiences at COP28, discover the story of a passionate individual actively contributing to the global effort for climate resilience and adaptation.
04 December 2023, L'viv, Ukraine - Cultural heritage, a cornerstone of identity and a repository of memory and unity has persistently faced threats since the onset of the war in Ukraine. In conflict zones, satellite imagery often serves as the primary tool for accessing accurate, data-backed information regarding the extent of damage to cultural heritage.
16 November 2023 - On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of UNITAR, the United Nations Secretary-General sends his congratulatory message to UNITAR.
8 November 2023, Lisbon, Portugal - Delegates from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the National Institute of Administration (INA, I.P.) met in Lisbon to formalize a strategic partnership encompassing various areas of collaboration, including training and research activities in the field of public administration and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
6 November 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - To mark UNITAR's 60th anniversary, a gala concert entitled “Music from all corners of the world for peace and our planet” will take place on Thursday, 16 November 2023 at 19:30, at the Conservatoire de Musique de Genève. This gala concert pays tribute to our commitment to empower individuals and organizations to create positive change for peace and sustainability.

24 October 2024 - Recognizing the importance of learning and knowledge as key foundations for development, this year six United Nations research and training entities mark UN Day with a renewed call for accelerated action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
20 October 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – To mark its 60th anniversary, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) launched the 'SDG4Kids' initiative, a series of interactive educational experiences linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aimed at engaging Geneva’s young minds to create positive change for a better future.
11 October 2023, Dublin, Ireland - Delegates from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and TU Dublin met in Dublin this week to establish a strategic partnership that will undertake a varied programme of activity in learning, teaching, and research related to Sustainable Development, making TU Dublin the Irish University to partner with the UN Institute for Training and Research on a Sustainability Education programme. The programme, Global Sustainability Leadership, harnesses Ireland’s leadership in peacebuilding and entrepreneurial thinking as a powerful force in finding solutions to global peace threats.
6 October 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - To mark its 60th anniversary, UNITAR is organizing in Geneva, starting on the 2nd of October, a photo exhibition, displayed on the Rotonde du Quai du Mont-Blanc (across from the Brunswick Monument), will illustrate 60 years of history as well as stories of UNITAR alumni who made a positive change in their community. The alumni featured in the panel exhibition come from Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Kenya, Maldives, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, United Arab Emirates and Vanuatu. The opening ceremony on the 6th of October (4 pm) of the photo exhibition will be attended by Mr. Nikhil Seth, the Executive Director of UNITAR, Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, H.E. Mr. Raymond Loretan, President of the Diplomatic Club of Geneva, and H.E. Mr. Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of Geneva.