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The 2010 Session of the UNITAR Hiroshima Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites, representing the Seventh Cycle, will take place between 18 - 23 April in Hiroshima. The Series offers an innovative approach to Heritage Conservation, with a specific focus on Values-based Management; the fusion of Cultural and Natural Heritage Management; the recognition of both the Tangible and Intangible aspects of Heritage Values and; Conservation for Peace. The 2010 Session will focus on Conservation Monitoring.
Maps and analysis produced by UNOSAT on the situation in Haiti are being posted and used in the media, web-based networks and information sites. 
Developed by the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), UNITAR and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) - Bangalore 
Deadline for application: 7 March 2010
Read more on the Certificate of Advanced Studies here.
UNOSAT Releases New Maps over Haiti