On the occasion of his recent visit to China, UNITAR Executive Director and UN Assistant Secretary-General Carlos Lopes gave the keynote speech opening a model UN conference in Tianjin, China. Tianjin, an exciting, fast-developing Chinese city that lies on the coast some 100km from Beijing, welcomed hundreds of students from all over China for the occasion of the Conference.

Mr. Lopes’ speech served two purposes: it addressed the issue of climate change – the major theme of the conference – and also gave the students insight into how the UN works and what a career in the UN is like. The students asked several questions and a lively discussion was catalyzed.

Mr. Lopes, who was accompanied by UNITAR staff and the Vice-President of the UN Association - China, Ms. Zhang Xiaoan, also met the Vice-Mayor of Tianjin, His Excellency Ren Xuefeng, and the President of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Professor Xiu Gang, who hosted the event.

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