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26 July 2024, San Juan, Puerto Rico – UNITAR in collaboration with the International Road Federation (IRF) will deliver a training workshop on its Management Practices for Safer Roads for government officials from across 30 countries and territories in the Caribbean region.
23 July 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - The FIA and its new partner United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have kicked off the SafeForAll&forLife project with support from the FIA Foundation.
23 July 2024, San Salvador, El Salvador – The United Nations for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of El Salvador through their Diplomatic Institute “Doctor José Gustavo Guerrero” signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide a cooperative framework to promote the development and implementation of training activities.
22 July 2024, San Salvador, El Salvador - UNITAR and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador through the Office of its First Lady conducted the Training of Trainers Workshop “The Magic Drop: Supporting Mothers along the Journey”.
19 July 2024, San Salvador, El Salvador – UNITAR, through its Global Breastfeeding Education initiative and in close collaboration with the Government of the Republic of El Salvador, through the Office of the First Lady, today inaugurates the Regional Breastfeeding Forum “The Best Start for Life”, with 350 participants including delegations from Central America, Cuba and the Dominican Republic and experts from 13 countries. This Forum takes place in San Salvador on July 18 and 19, 2024.
16 July 2024, New York City, United States of America – UNITAR’s Global Water Academy (UGWA) co-hosted its official side event at the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) with York University entitled ‘Pathways to Resilience: Advancing Solutions for Global Freshwater Quality’. This UGWA HLPF side event explored the multilateral and environmental drivers that exacerbated the deterioration of the quality of global freshwaters. 
15 July 2024, San Salvador, El Salvador – UNITAR through its Breastfeeding Education Initiative in close collaboration with the Government of El Salvador through the Office of the First Lady Will be hosting the Regional Forum on Breastfeeding Education “The Best Start for Life” in San Salvador on 18-19 July 2024.
1 July 2024, Tbilisi, Georgia –The international Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (CIFAL) in Tbilsi created in 2023 has provided a series of training activities mainly dedicated to strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organizations (CSO), public servants and leaders from different municipalities across Georgia on areas related to good governance and sustainable development
24 June 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - In an effort to address the global crisis in access to safe and affordable surgical care, the United Nations Global Surgery Learning Hub (SURGhub) was launched in June 2023. This open-access platform aims to equip the current and future surgical workforce with lifesaving skills. A particular focus is laid on the workforce in low-resource settings.
20 June 2024, Geneva, Switzerland – On Monday 24 June 2024, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Mr. Kamal Kishore and UN Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR Mr. Nikhil Seth have launched capacity development products on risk analysis.