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The new training programme is part of UNITAR’s comprehensive Digital Finance Initiative, which aims at supporting training for emerging innovations in trade and finance.
UNITAR’s Digital Finance Initiative aims to leverage the digital age by harnessing innovation and scaling financial inclusion to support the achievement of the SDGs.
6 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR jointly with the York University and the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in York, Canada (CIFAL York) hosted a dialogue with 132 experts, officials, and representatives from the public and private sectors about lessons learned and challenges regarding COVID-19 vaccine deployment, as well as to present a new tool developed by UNITAR to support local and national efforts to control the pandemic through effective vaccination campaigns and protective behaviours.
May 2021 - How climate change can impact on disease outbreaks such as Zika or Dengue? Andrea Monroy-Licht is a UN CC:Learn Champion who has been leading a project called Salud 1.5º.  This initiative seeks to encourage students to take action against the health risks associated with climate change and global warming. This Colombian teacher from Barranquilla has already made positive changes in her community and is looking forward to replicating this project in other cities. Discover more about her environmental education activities on climate change issues which aims at mitigating the effects associated with vector-borne diseases.
3 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland –UNITAR is launching its 6-week online training programme “Leading Inclusive 4IR: Empowering Women in Afghanistan for the Future of Work through Digital Reskilling” on 31 May 2021. UNITAR is currently accepting applications until 26 May 2021. Participants will learn skills to excel in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) while being empowered to take the lead. Conducted in English, the course will cover programming and coding skills, digital literacy, application development, cybersecurity and AI training, and combine it with gender leadership empowerment training. During the final week, there will be an online hackathon to test participant’s skills.
28 April 2021, Georgetown, Guyana - On 25 March 2021, UNITAR-UNOSAT hosted and co-facilitated together with UNDP Guyana and CIMA, an online Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) Awareness Raising Workshop with a focus on flood early warning communication.
23 April 2021, Merida, Mexico – In an effort to reach Indigenous Communities in Mexico and in Central America, the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Merida (CIFAL Merida) developed a short manual and video about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Mayan language. This responds to their commitment to further disseminate the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda’s Goals to Indigenous Peoples. Mayan is a living language that it is still spoken by at least 6 million Maya people in some countries in Mesoamerica, including Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize.
11 June 2021, Hiroshima, Japan – On 25 March 2021, UNITAR Hiroshima Office, Hiroshima Television Corporation, and UNITAR Association jointly hosted a public online forum “Shaping Our Future: Together Looking to the Future of Sports and Peace 25 Years from Now” to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and to reaffirm the central role of the Social Development Goals (SDGs) and the part sports can play in securing a peaceful future of humankind.
19 April 2021, Geneva, Switzerland – 111 senior business executives from AB InBev’s corporate affairs teams across the world joined the inaugural presentation of the Toolkit 2.0 “Designing and implementing campaigns in support of vaccination efforts to prevent and reduce the spread of COVID-19: Strategies for Companies” on 15 April 2021 at 9:00 EST.
13 April 2021, Geneva, Switzerland – In collaboration with the Rule of Law and Anticorruption Center (ROLACC), UNITAR successfully concluded the 2nd iteration of the e-learning course on “Anticorruption and Sustainable Development: Building Inclusive and Transparent Societies for All” offered between 24 February and 7 April 2021.