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June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - In this second episode, UN Senior Mediation Adviser, Milos Strugar (Conflux Center – Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Mediation) leads us into the world of mediation. He highlights the differences among negotiation, mediation, and facilitation processes as essential means for dispute resolution. Mr. Strugar comments on the effects of the pandemic on mediation and negotiation dynamics, exploring recent practical developments including the implementation of artificial intelligence in mediation procedures.  Overall, Mr. Strugar examines the key skills of a mediator; the stakeholders involved in mediation (state and non-state actors); the role of trust and confidentiality; and the relevance of multilateralism to solve complex disputes and to tackle global challenges.
June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is pleased to announce its upcoming second edition of the “Online Certificate on Essential Professional Skills” taking place over four consecutive weeks from 30 August to 22 September. The online certificate will consist of a series of e-workshops (48 hours of training) targeted to working professionals and individuals seeking to improve their professional skills. The online certificate aims to reinforce individuals’ transferable professional skills, especially in a time where flexibility and adaptability are key.
June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - In an increasingly interconnected, globalized, and complex world, where the importance of multilateral dialogue and cooperation is ever-growing, the demand for training and capacity development in the field of international relations and diplomacy is constantly rising. In this regard, the establishment of this innovative Online Master's in International Affairs and Diplomacy between UNITAR and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) holds great significance.
June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The Master of Arts in Development Studies and Diplomacy is an interdisciplinary and holistic programme that will not only broaden student’s knowledge in the field of development studies, sustainability and diplomacy but it will also equip them with the required soft skills for a successful international career in any of these areas of expertise. It is offered both online and in hybrid format, with a combination of online and face-to-face courses on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica.
June 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - In an increasingly interconnected world, leaders across all sectors need to work together and speak the same language to solve complex challenges at all levels of government. It is against this backdrop that the Executive Diploma in Business Leadership and International Affairs delivered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and INCAE Business School holds great significance.
27 May 2021, Geneva, Switzerland and Beijing, China - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Geneva School of Economics and Management of the University of Geneva and the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to set global standards for SDG Education and Open Innovation.
30 March 2021, Geneva, Switzerland - The BLC and UNITAR presented a joint webinar series, the first of which airing on 22 March 2021, to announce the initiative and ensure that both organizations’ audiences, especially from the Latin American region, may be introduced to further opportunities to advance their skills, networks, and careers.
UNITAR is pleased to announce the launch of the new partnership with the Geneva Macro Labs, a Geneva-based Think and Do Tank with the goal to shape international collaboration, build capacity and support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
Together with ADN Group, UNITAR is organizing the second edition of World Negotiation Day on 9 March 2021. The event will bring together some of the world’s top negotiators from the public and private sectors – ambassadors, leaders, and executives – who have shaped some of the pivotal events of 2020.
11-14 January 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – A group of 97 senior officials and ambassadors from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change engaged in a four-day UNITAR High-Level e-Workshop to improve their skills and knowledge in environmental diplomacy, in the lead-up to this year’s Conference of Parties (COP26). The activity was made possible with the financial support of SIDA, Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation.