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In an effort to build on the growing interest shown in the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in Africa, the Nairobi Framework Partners IETA,UNEP,UNDP,WB,UNITAR, UNCTAD and UNFCCC announced the second all Africa Carbon Forum, which will take place at the United Nations, Gigiri complex.
To read the press release, click here.
Last week Tropical Storm Ida caused weather instability and heavy rains throughout Central America. Nicaragua and El Salvador were the most affected countries with 130 deaths, unconfirmed number of missing people, and thousands homeless in Salvador and some 23,000 people affected and thousands evacuations in Nicaragua.
Spot Image S.A. and UNOSAT have a history of working together to enable mapping activities and applications based on Earth Observation data. A formal agreement signed recently reaffirms and strengthen the partnership linking UNOSAT and SPOT IMAGE and providing the United Nations with favorable rates on satellite imagery routinely used at UNOSAT to produce analyses and crisis management maps.
The agreement was signed on November 18 in Curitiba, Brazil
Rodrigo da Rocha Loures, President of FIEP and Carlos Lopes, UNITAR's Executive Director

A recent review of UNOSAT activities has revealed a substantial increase in requests directed to UNOSAT by the humanitarian community. The Humanitarian Rapid Mapping service of UNOSAT, launched in 2003, has been created to meet the demand of OCHA and other humanitarian agencies and NGOs part of the IASC (the Inter-agency Standing Committee on humanitarian coordination hosted by the UN) for rapid mapping and satellite derived analysis in wake of disasters and complex emergencies.