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30 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - The joint UNEP-UNITAR 2050 Electronic and Electrical Waste Outlook in West Asia provides two contrasting future scenarios for e-waste management in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
30 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR is pleased to announce the launch of its Global Breastfeeding Education Initiative (Global BFEI). The Global BFEI seeks to contribute to improving breastfeeding education through training and education to advance toward the achievement of 70% of babies breastfed exclusively by 6 months of age by 2030. To reach this goal, the Global BFEI offers a variety of educational tools that provide impartial information on the benefits of breastfeeding and practical training aimed at increasing women’s practical knowledge, skills, and confidence to breastfeed.
31 March 2023, Sihanoukville, Cambodia - On March 23 and 24 a successful Training of Trainers on the Autosobriety Training Programme to Prevent Drink-Driving was conducted in the Sihanouk province of Cambodia.
28 March 2023, Hiroshima, Japan – Ahead of the 2023 G7 Summit in May, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) will host a youth panel “Hiroshima G7: Voice of the Youth – Hiroshima for Global Peace Agenda”. Seven youths living in Hiroshima, one from each G7 country, will share their experiences in the city and discuss Hiroshima’s role in promoting global peace. This event will be co-organized with UNITAR Association.
24 March 2023, New York, USA – In the framework of the UN 2023 Water Conference UNITAR hosted the side event “Promoting Water Culture through Learning & Action”. The overall objective of the side event is to mobilize support and expertise to deliver innovative training and build human capacities on pressing water-related issues at a large scale.
22 March 2023, New York, USA – Between 22-24 March 2023, The UN 2023 Water Conference reconvenes after nearly 50 years since the 1977 UN Water Conference. The Conference serves as an opportunity for Member States, UN entities, and stakeholders to share commitments that aim to contribute to the implementation of water-related SDGs and associated targets. These voluntary commitments will be collected in the Water Action Agenda to accelerate progress in the second half of the Water Action Decade 2018-2028 and the second half of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
22 March 2023, New York, USA - UNITAR, York University, the Regional Municipality of York (York Region) and York Regional Police renewed its partnership agreement to foster sustainable development in Canada. This agreement aims to deliver joint training and professional development activities, which target – mainly – government officials, leaders, civil society and other interested parties in the areas of safety mobility including road safety, mental health, gender equality, entrepreneurship and economic growth, and climate change, amongst others.
21 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR’s network of affiliated training centres CIFAL Global Network (CGN) serve as hubs for the exchange of knowledge on development-related topics including water-related issues. The impact and scope of the CGN capture a wide range of stakeholders, with special emphasis on local authorities and civil society leaders, offering cutting-edge learning and training to close to 90,000 beneficiaries per year.
16 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - On 16 March 2023, UNITAR, the University of Geneva, Open Geneva and Crowd4SDG hosted the fifth edition of the Geneva Trialogue at the Globe of Science and Innovation, under the theme of Open Innovation for Education, launching the 2023 Open Geneva Festival.
The sustainable energy pillar at the Division for Peace in UNITAR hosts the coordination unit for Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings (GPA). With a consortium of 16 United Nations and International Non-Governmental Organizations, the goal of the GPA is to ensure that the displaced people around the world have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.