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13 December 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - The “Introduction to Sustainable Finance Taxonomies” affiliated e-course is now available in French and Spanish.
21 August 2023, Kigali, Rwanda - “The land of a thousand hills” – this statement is no exaggeration of the undulating landscape of Rwanda. The hills were also a welcoming sight for UNITAR’s pilot training on gender and climate change, organized in collaboration with the Gender Monitoring Office of Rwanda and CIFAL Kigali with support from the Ministry of Environment under the One UNITAR Gender initiative. The One UNITAR Gender promotes innovative learning solutions for women’s empowerment, building on extensive experiences and knowledge of all UNITAR divisions.
3 May 2023 - Bonn, Germany - UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2023. Since 2020, UNITAR has also had an office on the UN Campus in Bonn. The Bonn office marked the anniversary on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, with a high-level panel discussion on the past and future of education and research in response to current global challenges. Afterwards, the city and UNITAR hosted a reception on the UN Campus.
30 March 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - The joint UNEP-UNITAR 2050 Electronic and Electrical Waste Outlook in West Asia provides two contrasting future scenarios for e-waste management in Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
10 November 2022, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - The PAGE and UN partners side event at the COP27, on November 9, discussed how circular economy principles and practices can serve as a catalyst to promoting human well-being, preserving nature, cutting pollution, and making economies more competitive. By bringing together representatives of governments, UN agencies, private sector, think tanks and youth, the event explored the enabling factors for accelerating the global shift towards circular economy, within the context of just, inclusive, and sustainable development.
14 October 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - 14 October 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR scientist in cooperation with the WEEE Forum expect roughly 5.3 billion mobile / smartphones will drop out of use this year. Stacked flat atop one another at an average depth of 9 mm that many disused phones would rise roughly 50,000 km – 120 times higher than the International Space Station; one-eighth of the way to the moon.
16 March 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - Five women tell their climate stories on how they have been transforming their communities towards a climate-resilient society. In addition, the article presents the trainings on women and climate change available through UN CC:Learn platform.
Dans le cadre de l’appropriation du projet par les parties prenantes marocaines, PAGE a initié durant deux jours (ndlr 18 et 19 janvier 2022) une session de formation sur Zoom pour les parties prenantes au Maroc. Organisée par UNITAR et l’agence lead ONUDI, PAGE Maroc a convié plusieurs ministères et organismes à la formation portant sur « l’Économie Verte Inclusive et la relance économique post COVID-19 ». La première journée de formation a porté sur l’appui de PAGE au niveau global pour favoriser une économie verte et inclusive, le fonctionnement de PAGE Maroc, l’EVI et la relance économique post-COVID suivi du groupe de travail sur le thème « Opportunités et défis pour une relance économique verte et inclusive au Maroc ». Cette journée de formation s’est achevée par le partage d’expérience de PAGE Sénégal. La seconde journée quant à elle, visait à répondre à cette interrogation « Quelles priorités pour PAGE au Maroc ? » Pour y arriver, les participants ont été subdivisés dans 5 groupes avec 5 thèmes différents animés par les 5 agences onusiennes à savoir PNUE, PNUD, UNIDO, BIT et UNITAR.
25 January 2022 - 1st Latin American e-waste report covers 13 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.
13 January 2022, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is pleased to welcome the Sustainable Cycles (SCYCLE) Programme to the UNITAR family.