31 January, 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. Registration for UNITAR’s 2014 online courses related to Trade is now open. These courses will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed as a public official or professional in charge of trade-related issues. It is widely accepted that a well-functioning global trading system is a prerequisite for trade promotion and the development of developing countries. In the scope of one of the main objective of UNITAR, namely promoting knowledge and understanding of poverty reduction, we arededicated to delivering high-level e-Learning courses related to international trade. In fact, trade, poverty reduction and development go hand-in-hand, and we strive to demonstrate this in all our courses. Our e-Learning courses allow you to interact with other participants, to exchange ideas, and to ask questions to high level experts.
Through skills building and facilitating the cross-regional networking of trade sector officials and professionals, this initiative contributes to bridging the knowledge gap and redressing some of the asymmetries between developed and developing countries in the role that they play in the multilateral trading system.
UNITAR has more than two decades of experience in developing and delivering executive training for trade professionals. In 2003, the Programme started introducing e-Learning activities to offer quality and affordable training to a wider audience. Since then, over 10,000 officials and professionals primarily in developing countries and economies in transition have benefited from our courses.
Our online courses are designed according to adult learning principles and structured in a flexible and interactive manner to meet your needs as a senior or middle level official or professional with a busy schedule.
Below are two comments received from participants in one of our courses (through anonymous end-of-course survey).
“Moderators were very much involved in the discussions, stimulating the debate and challenging participants to think deeply about their own responses. They have a deep knowledge of the issues and also very good pedagogic resources”.
"This course allowed me to gain a fully understanding of the relationship between international trade and climate change. I was able to get a holistic perspective which is beneficial to my work”.
The following online courses related to trade are currently open for registration:
WTI/UNITAR: Trade, Energy and Climate Change (14 April – 09 May 2014)
Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Tips and Techniques (28 April – 07 June 2014)
UNESCAP/UNITAR: Trade Finance Infrastructure Development (05 May – 30 May 2014)
The Settlement of Disputes under the World Trade Organization (05 May – 06 June 2014)
We encourage early registration as space is limited and acceptance is on a rolling basis. For additional information and to register online, please go to http://www.unitar.org/pft/events
For general inquiries, please email us at pft-training@unitar.org.