The University of Copenhagen’s Master Course on Disaster Management has the aim to provide national and international aid workers, government officials and other professionals interested in any or all parts of Disaster Management with a solid and holistic interdisciplinary background so that they can respect and understand the complex context of acting and working before, during and after a disaster. This course enjoys considerable success only two years after its creatiion by the Universities of Copenhagen and Lund (Sweden).
The Master of Disaster Management and UNOSAT recently agreed on a collaboration model bringing UNOSAT training in the University environment to new heights. While still participating in courses in Universities in the United Sates, Switzerland, and Sweden, UNOSAT now engages in Master degree training. As of this year the Master of Disaster Management offers an intensive course in Geo Information in Disaster Situations based on a successful formula combining formal training and experience based knowledge transfer directly from UNOSAT experts and analysts. This successful methodology has already been used in several capacity development projects run by UNOSAT for UN member states and a few international organizations.
The Geospatial Information course offered within the curriculum of the Master of Disaster Management at Copenhagen University will be open only to a limited number of applicants among those studying each year for the Master degree and will earn each student 6 ECTS credits.
UNOSAT has consistently increased its training offer since 2008, driven by increasing demand and constantly renewed experience in several operational areas. Luca Dell’Oro disaster management specialist and analyst at UNOSAT says: “This is training of a new form: we combine our recent experience in operations and formal training to give the students hands-on, evidence-based training that enables them to better understand geographic information for managing effectively disaster situations”. Ravi Santhana, urban planning specialist and analyst with UNOSAT since 2010 and himself a past graduate from the University of Copenhagen says “in a way we have studied a method to shorten the path from the generation of knowledge through research and applications to the transfer of that knowledge to experts who are in need of finding solutions in their countries and organizations”.
For more information on the Master Course, please visit: