Since the inception of this emergency, UNOSAT has concentrated on specific high value mapping over Haiti due to the fact that general mapping has been offered by a number of other partner entities especially from Europe, some of which supported by the International Charter Space and Major Disasters, an international agreement among space agencies allowing the distribution of free satellite data in case of major natural disasters.
The latest UNOSAT maps are:
Overview of IDP Concentrations in Port-au-Prince and Carrefour, Haiti (Update2) - This map presents an overview of temporary shelter locations of displaced Haitians in Port-au-Prince and Carrefour, as identified in satellite imagery recorded on 13 January 2010. These IDP locations range in size from small clusters of survivors (approx 20-50) to large concentrations numbering in the low thousands. Locations are commonly situated in open areas away from unstable buildings, in parks, sport fields, church compounds and grassy medians of main roads. Four case examples are show in the imagery.
Density of Bridge & Road Obstacles in Port-au-Prince and Carrefour, Haiti (Update2) - This map illustrates the relative spatial density of major road and bridge obstructions in Port-au-Prince and Carrefour, as identified in satellite imagery recorded on 13 January 2010. A total of 691 obstacles were identified, almost all due to collapsed buildings and related debris, in only a few cases were the obstructions the result of landslides. Of this total, 224 were likely completely blocked to motorized traffic and 467 were partial obstructions restricting vehicle access. Four case examples of specific road obstructions are shown in the imagery.
Both maps as well as other UNOSAT products on Haiti can be downloaded freely here.