UNOSAT and UNICRI decided to formalise their collaboration in a recent exchange of letters.
Like UNITAR, UNICRI (Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute)is one of the 5 global Research and Training Institutes of the United Nations which report to the UN Secretary General. UNICRI carries out applied research, training, technical cooperation and documentation / information activities in the areas of Emerging Crimes and Anti-Human Trafficking; Security Governance and Counter Terrorism; Justice Reform, and Post-Graduate Training.
As a broker of solutions for beneficiaries in national governments looking for advanced applcaitions and training, UNICRI is a natural partner for UNOSAT, which applies satellite technology to a number of solution areas via research initiatives.
Both Institutions envisage cooperation in promoting the development of specialized training as well as applied technical solutions to produce research and analysis in the field of Security Cooperation, Counter Illicit Traffics, Terrorism Prevention and in particular Counter Maritime Piracy. In addition, UNOSAT provides satellite derived mapping and geographic information analysis to support the goals and activities of UNICRI. The specific objectives of this cooperation are:
- To advance understanding of crime-related problems;
- To gather and analyse criminal intelligence data;
- To identify geographical crime patterns;
- To facilitate international law enforcement cooperation and judicial assistance.