UNOSAT Announces 5th Edition of its Master Training in GIS

9 December 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark – UNOSAT announced in Copenhagen that it will offer in 2015 the 5th edition of its master-level training course Geo-Information in Disaster Situations. The announcement came on the occasion of the annual lecture done by UNOSAT at the University of Copenhagen. Both the lecture and the course are part of the popular Master of Disaster Management Programme of the University.

UNOSAT will host the 5th edition of this celebrated course in Geneva from 13 to 30 April, 2015. The course has a limited number of seats and is an elective part of the overall Master programme. Professionals from various humanitarian organizations and national NGOs have been particularly attracted by the possibility to learn and work at UNOSAT for 4 weeks

The course owns its creation to the collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and UNOSAT which was motivated by the desire to expose Master students to the most recent development of geospatial technologies and satellite analysis in support of humanitarian relief and emergency preparedness.

Like its previous editions, the 5th Geo-Information in Disaster Situations course will offer an intensive training experience to a selected team of students based on a successful formula combining formal training and experience based knowledge transfer done directly by UNOSAT analysts. A substantial part of the learning is gained during hands-on exercises involving satellite imagery from actual crises and disaster situations. The course is designed to enable participants to analyse ctitically the prerequisites and challenges for effective situation analysis, rapid mapping and preliminary damage assessments including identifying, collecting, preparing, analyzing and creating maps.

The Geo-Information in Disaster Situation course gives right to 6 ECTS and the learning experience is generally considered of great value because of its applicability and relevance to professional disaster management.

Photo: Course participants in 2014 together with the UNOSAT training team

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