Spot Image S.A and UNOSAT have a history of working together to enable mapping activities and applications based on Earth Observation data. A formal agreement signed recently reaffirms and strengthen the partnership linking UNOSAT and SPOT IMAGE and providing the United Nations with favorable rates on satellite imagery routinely used at UNOSAT to produce analyses and crisis management maps. Spot Image was part of the partnership that gave origin to the UNOSAT Project in 2000, which led through a process of technical and financial consolidation to the present operational programme UNOSAT.

Spot Image, along with its partners, is committed to making Earth observation images available for worthy causes such as responding to natural and man-made disasters, supporting humanitarian missions, the surveillance of the environment, international security and peace keeping, education and research. In all these domains, UNOSAT is constantly working to provide practical assistance to local authorities, UN managers and personnel in the field and at headquarters.

UNOSAT and Spot Image share high interest in improving the availability of integrated and cost-effective packages involving remote sensing and GIS technology to the benefit of the United Nations System. They also share a commitment to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of activities carried out by remote sensing and GIS service providers in developing countries and countries in transition, through improved project management design and practices and to design, promote and carry out remote sensing and GIS technologies projects as part of international cooperation initiatives requiring territorial analysis.

Spot Image has a global presence providing local services. Headquarters of the Spot Image group are in Toulouse, France, with 6 subsidiaries in Australia, Brazil, China, United States, Japan and Singapore, and 2 offices in Mexico and Peru. Spot Image provides global products, services and solutions derived from the SPOT constellation and multiple sources of satellite data. Spot Image is also one of the major partners of the International Charter Space and Major Disasters since 2000.

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