According to the International Federation of the Red Cross, hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks have fled fighting in Kyrgyzstan and are massing on the border of neighbouring Uzbekistan, where a major humanitarian crisis is reported to be unfolding. Several tens of thousands people have managed to cross over to Uzbekistan, provoking an impending refugee crisis. Both groups are in urgent need of humanitarian aid.

UNOSAT rapid mapping service has been deployed over the region in close consultation with key humanitarian actors including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), OCHA and others.

The scope of the first analysis done by UNOSAT earlier this week was aimed at determining the intensity of the clashes happening in the major cities by studying satellite imagery captured during the urban fighting. UNOSAT analysts are acquiring new very high resolution images over key areas to determine in more detail the situation on the ground.

To access the maps and analyses made available on the web, visit:

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