29 - 30 November 2012, Geneva, Switzerland - The UNITAR Local Development Programme’s global network of training centres, CIFAL Network, met in Geneva on 29 and 30 November 2012 on the occasion of the 9th annual session of the CIFAL Steering Committee Meeting. The international gathering was attended by representatives from ten different countries and during its first day reviewed the training network’s 2012 achievements –including the positive feedback from the more than 7000 beneficiaries trained last year.  The agenda for the second day included the planning and coordination of the training activities portfolio for 2013. The meeting was hosted by Ms. Sally Fegan-Wyles in her capacity as Executive Director of UNITAR.

Photo: Representatives from different CIFAL Centres, along with Sally Fegan-Wyles (centre, left of the UN flag) and other UNITAR colleagues.

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