On 4 and 5 March 2011, UNITAR in cooperation with an expert trainer, Mr. David Massey, organized a tailor-made workshop on effective report writing to train South African delegates.
The content of the workshop was designed to meet the particular challenges faced by diplomats in their daily work. As such, the workshop was organized in response to a specific request by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa for training in that area. Diplomats at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations often have to write several reports per day. Thus, clear, concise and coherent writing and reporting is the backbone of all diplomatic work.
Through interactive and practical activities and several mock report exercises, the workshop aimed at improving eminent skills: making organizational and conceptual considerations before writing a report, selecting and summarizing information effectively, and developing a clear and compelling outcome. Finally, participants enhanced their editing and proof-reading skills. According to the participants, the workshop was highly relevant and useful for their work and one diplomat commented that the course was “perfect and addressed our needs.”
For more information, please contact: info@unitarny.org. For other tailor-made training package, please visit: http://www.unitar.org/mdp/training.