Biciventura: Cycling the World for the UN 2030 Agenda

13 December 2018, Geneva, Switzerland – As part of their journey around the world to promote the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Mr. Juan Pablo Caroli and Mr. Nicolas Caroli visited Geneva, Switzerland and the United Nations European Headquarters. During their visit, the Caroli brothers toured UNITAR and the Palais des Nations, meeting with UN officials, including Ms. Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the UN Information Service in Geneva, to spread the word about their unique project. 

It all started one year ago, when the brothers decided to combine their passion for cycling with their desire to be agents of change. Juan Pablo and Nicolas were already determined to bike throughout the world. However, after learning about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) via UNITAR’s CIFAL training center based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, they realized that this cycling endeavor could also be an opportunity to spread awareness about the 2030 Agenda in  the many places they would visit around the globe.

The Caroli brothers, together with CIFAL Argentina and with support from UNITAR and the CIFAL Global Network, launched the Biciventura project, and set out on a mission to inspire and empower people to achieve the SDGs. The project aims to reach the most remote, difficult to access, and marginalized communities, encouraging local solutions and changing attitudes at grassroots level.

The Biciventura journey began in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Chile. As of now, the Carolis have completed more than 6,000 kilometers, and have also taken the project to Europe. Along their travels, Juan Pablo and Nicolas have carried both the UNITAR and UN flag with them, informing and reminding people of the importance of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and of our common mission as a global community to work for the peace and prosperity of all people everywhere.


Photo 1: Mr. Juan Pablo Caroli, Mr. Alex Mejia, and Mr. Nicolas Caroli at the Palais des Nations.

Photo 2: The UNITAR and UN flags remind us of Biciventura's mission 





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