28 September - 1st October 2014, Algiers, Algeria. In the framework of the three-year partnership betweenthe Institute for Diplomacy and International relations (IDRI) of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research a retreat entitled “Personal development and Leadership” was organized in Algiers.
Why are some leaders better than others? Why is leadership important? Can leadership be learnt or taught? These inaugural interrogations allowed for the formulation of a reply to the following question: why do followers identify with leaders and why do they go the extra mile for inspirational and visionary leaders?
The visions and development-oriented leader behaviors can be divided into two major areas of leadership: strategic leadership and charismatic leadership. Charismatic leadership makes the leader subject of identification on the part of his or her followers, willing to satisfy him with all efforts. However, most leaders are often prompt to resort to the use of carrots (incentives) and sticks (disincentives) to reach their ends. These “transactional” methods of leadership are defined by a process of exchange work but can at best engender compliance, not commitment.
On the other side, the strategic leadership leads to the formation of a good strategic vision, and the coherence of this vision for the organization. In this case, the good leader is the one who is considering this process of influence that is leadership, in terms of a shared vision. The symbolic influence of the leader on his followers through his charisma is then used to generate a collective commitment around a common mission. The symbolic influence exerted by the leader on his or her followers through his charisma allows a collective commitment with a common mission to emerge.
Facilitated by Professor John Antonakis and Professor Jean-Philippe Bonardithis high-interactive retreat supported fifteen directors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria in their endeavor to deploy their knowledge and strengthen their skills in leadership, discussing the various leadership styles and the characteristics of transformational leadership. This retreat reinforced the partnership between IDRI and UNITAR while making an important step toward the achievement of the partnership’s objectives.