UNITAR Strengthens Diplomats’ Public Speaking Capacity
7-8 May 2015, Geneva, Switzerland – Public speaking is an essential part of any diplomat’s day-to-day activities. Regardless of the size of the audience, diplomats must be at ease delivering speeches, chairing meetings and addressing the press. Seasoned diplomats will adapt their register and content in accordance with the audience and their desired impact.
The workshop that UNITAR held on public speaking gave participants the opportunity to develop their oral presentation skills and familiarized them with techniques that facilitate the transmission of a tailored message, thanks to a mix of theory and practical exercises.
The facilitator, Mr. Vincent Skorokhodoff, drew on a wealth of experience in professional coaching and training around the world, to provide participants with an insight into how to tangibly improve their elocution and captivate an audience. Previously, Mr. Skorokhodoff has delivered professional training courses at organisations as diverse as CERN, MSF, ICRC, WTO as well as other UN agencies.
Participants also had the opportunity to bring a presentation that they had delivered in their professional domain. During this exercise, the facilitator and other participants provided constructive feedback based on the theoretical content covered over the course of the workshop. Rather than focusing on the content of the presentations, particular attention was given to how to improve the impact of the presentation and its attractiveness for an audience.
Related link
UNITAR’s Core Diplomatic Training
Photo 1: Participants during the discussion on public speaking
Photo 2: Group photo at the end of the workshop on public speaking