4 June 2012, Geneva, Switzerland - UNITAR has just published its Training Catalogue on Public Finance, Trade and Intellectual Property featuring the thematic focus areas, partnerships and different training activities such as high-level conferences and fora, face-to-face seminars and workshops, communities of practice, and e-Learning courses.

The catalogue is being distributed to beneficiary institutions to ensure that they are aware of the training opportunities available from UNITAR in the field of finance, trade and intellectual property. In addition, it is also being shared with potential partners and donors with a view of collaborating in delivering cost-effective and quality capacity development activities worldwide.

Since 2003, over 270 training events have been developed and delivered which benefited more than 12,000 finance and trade officials from over 140 countries around the world. The average completion rate is 87%, with around 40% of the beneficiaries being female. In 2011, based on surveys conducted after every training event, the overall satisfaction rate of participants was 92%.

For more information see the links below or email us at pft-elearning@unitar.org

Download our Training Catalogue on Public Finance, Trade and Intellectual Property: http://www.unitar.org/pft/sites/unitar.org.pft/files/TrainingCatalogue_UNITAR_PFTP.pdf

View our upcoming events: http://www.unitar.org/pft/events

Learn more about the Public Finance and Trade Programme: http://www.unitar.org/pft/

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