UNITAR Provides Road Safety training to the Government of the Dominican Republic 

Mr. Ramon Pepin, Vice-minister of Public Works and Communications of the Dominican Republic 8 - 9 May 2018, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – UNITAR in close collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) and the National Institute for Transport and Transit (INTRANT) convened the “International Workshop on Mobility and Road Safety Best Practices” in Santo Domingo on 8-9 May.

The two-day event was attended by 113 representatives from government offices responsible for transit, transport and road safety, academic institutions, NGOs and media. The workshop panel discussions were engaging and led by experts from Spain, Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico who shared practical solutions that can lead to road safety improvements.

The workshop’s agenda covered three main areas: road safety education, public policies with respect to mobility and road safety (especially for vulnerable road users), and the promotion of alliances among stakeholders. The key messages from the workshop were:

  1. Mobility and road safety are key factors that contribute directly to the building of sustainable and safe cities and societies.
  2. The media’s impact is crucial for raising awareness about mobility and road safety issues. The media play a fundamental role as transmitters of information, which contributes significantly not only to increasing road safety literacy but in serving as an actual tool to save lives.
  3. Strategic alliances among all stakeholders facilitate the scaling up of road safety efforts. 

Mr. José Francisco Ibargüengoytia, Secretary of Infrastructure of the Government of ZacatecasThe Dominican Republic occupies the 15th position in the world and first in the Latin American region in terms of the occurrence of road traffic crashes. UNITAR’s Road Safety Initiative aims to contiunue raising awareness about the risk factors related to road safety, and to enhancing the capacity of government officials and key stakeholders to develop and implement road safety strategies in the Dominican Republic.

Photo 1: Mr. Ramon Pepin, Vice-minister of Public Works and Communications of the Dominican Republic during the International Workshop on Mobility and Road Safety Best Practices

Photo 2: Mr. José Francisco Ibargüengoytia, Secretary of Infrastructure of the Government of Zacatecas, Mexico sharing about road safety efforts in the State of Zacatecas

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