UNITAR opens two new e-Learning courses! Apply now!

Drafting and Adopting United Nations Resolutions

21 October - 17 November 2013
4 weeks

Course fee: 600 USD

The course will focus on communication through written means as well as, to a lesser degree, how delegates conduct consultations in preparing resolutions. The course will allow participants to build the requisite knowledge and skills to draft and adopt UN resolutions. A detailed study of the content, structure and processes involved in passing resolutions will reinforce an understanding of decision-making at the UN.

To register please visit:


United Nations Protocol

21 October - 17 November 2013 
6 weeks

Course fee: 600 USD

This course aims to provide a historical, political, and analytical framework for liaising more effectively with UN representatives and staff. At the end of this e-Learning course, participants should be able to define the United Nations system's structure and functioning, explain the UN's principal organs and their development, identify current and salient issues relevant to the UN and explain a brief history of the UN system and its predecessors.

To register please visit:


For any question or inquiry, please send an email to mdp-elearning@unitar.org

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