UNITAR Hosts Panel on Defining Frontier Diplomacy

UNITAR Hosts Panel on Defining Frontier Diplomacy27 July 2018, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR organized an interactive panel entitled “Defining Frontier Diplomacy”. The panel was the conclusion of a week-long International Law I course for a delegation from the Ministry of External Affairs of India.

Experts representing various sectors and professions inaugurated the highly anticipated concept of Frontier Diplomacy during the panel, including Dr. Maurizio Bona from CERN, Mr. Shaun Riordan from Clingendael Institute, Mr. Laurent Ferrali from ICANN and Mr. Martin Dion from Kudelski Security. The panel and delegates discussed emerging areas within the sphere of diplomacy such as Science Diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security, arriving at the conclusion that these now represent inseparable parts of diplomatic practice for the foreseeable future.

Pursuing the ongoing development of the Frontier Diplomacy concept, UNITAR will be organising further events of similar nature aimed at stimulating collaboration between diplomats, civil servants and private sector. Please monitor our media outlets for further information on upcoming events.

Photo 1: Experts speaking for the Defining Frontier Diplomacy panel.

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