22 and 29 of July, Abu Dhabi. Workshops II and III of the highly successful UNITAR Fellowship for Afghanistan Programme were recently successfully concluded in Abu Dhabi. Taking place between 22 and 29 of July, the Workshops saw the 54 Fellows and 15 Coaches and Resource Persons examine concepts of leadership and organisational change management.

Workshops II and III

Workshop II - Leadership and Organizational Development for Performance and Results, aimed at helping Fellows understand the concept of how sound leadership and planned organizational development can maximize performance and produce desired results. It also aimed to support Fellows to develop team projects address the common needs of their organizations, while enhancing their understanding of the obstacles and opportunities in the organization development and change process.

Workshop III - Project Planning, Design and Proposal Writing, aimed to equip participants with a basic knowledge of project planning, results-based management and raising sponsorship and financial support for projects within organizations and from external stakeholders.

Fellowship Outline:

The Fellowship is an annual eight-month long programme aiming at capacity building and enhancing the leadership, management and professional skills of a core group of senior government officials, academics and practitioners primarily from Afghanistan. Sharing Hiroshima's lessons in post-conflict reconstruction, the Fellowship discusses important themes such as organization development and change, project design and management, and human resource development/management.


The Fellowship’s two long-term objectives are:

To support an Afghan cadre in the application of their increased knowledge, and confidence in the transformation of their respective ministries;
To build a committed and highly capable Fellowship community in Afghanistan which can serve as a resource for planning and implementing capacity-building and training activities at the local and national levels.

Workshops and Web Seminars:

Three workshops are held during each Fellowship cycle, alternating with other training activities. In addition five on-line web-seminars are offered as part of a module on human resource development and management. The Fellowship’s substantive topics are, in part, determined by the needs of the Fellows, but in general come from the following themes;

  • Organization development and change;
  • Project design and proposal writing;
  • Project management and reporting;
  • Accounting and budgeting;
  • Leading and mentoring teams for development and change;
  • Team-building and teamwork;
  • Communication skills; and
  • Strategic planning.


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