UNITAR Commences 2019 Programmes

UNITAR NY Publishes “Sustainable Development Goals, Main Contributions & Challenges”

Head of Office UNITAR NYO, Mr. Marco Suazo handing 2019 UNITAR Catalogue and recent publication to H.E. Mr. Karel Jan Gustaaf van Oosterom, Permanent Representative of Netherlands to the UN. Photo credit: UNITAR NYO17 January, 2019, New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York office has kicked off 2019 by publishing a book on Sustainable Development Goals, Main Contributions & Challenges with Rey Juan Carlos University of Spain (URJC) and Sustainable Development Fund (SDGF). This publication is to benefit future generations’ educational curricula and promote the wider implementation and understanding of the 2030 Agenda and SDGs. It constitutes an effort to review some of the best examples and progress made by the international community in achieving the SDGs. Since the 2015 Summit, the United Nations System has been supporting efforts to implement them, particularly enabling Member States to deliver on their own commitments; including through the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) and its National Voluntary Reviews (NVR) mechanism, which constitute the platform where national policies and efforts are disclosed at regional, national and local levels. We are pleased to announce that it includes pieces by Mr. Nikhil Seth, Executive Director of UNITAR and by Mr. Marco A. Suazo, Head of UNITAR New York Office. This publication collects the contributions and proposals, from different authors, to improve the sustainable development goals from different perspectives. It can be purchased through the United Nations bookshop.

UNITAR NY Produces 2019 Catalogue of Events

catalogue of events 2019

UNITAR NY is proud to launch its 2019 calendar of events on Diplomatic Training for Permanent Missions in New York. Last year, UNITAR NY reached over 2,000 delegates through its Diplomatic and Capacity Building trainings. It includes new courses such as, Financing for Development and the 2030 Agenda, a four-part series with OICT based on Emerging Technologies and their impact on Society and the SDGs such as Automated Conversations with Voice Bots and Frontier Technologies, and the United Nations and Democracy Building: Bridging Policy and Practice. UNITAR NY is also launching a new e-learning course on Leading with Ethics in Achieving SDGs in collaboration with University of Colorado-Boulder. We will continue to host Orientation courses such as Introduction for New Delegates and Non- Permanent Members for the Work of the Security Council, United Nations Budget System for the Fifth Committee and our premier courses with Columbia Law School on Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Multilateral Negotiations. UNITAR NY is excited for this new year and hopes to have another impactful year, fulfilling our mandate to serve the diplomatic community in New York.

UNITAR Releases 2019 Learning Solutions Catalogue

UNITAR Learning Solutions

The UNITAR provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future. Over the years, UNITAR has acquired unique expertise and experience in designing and delivering a variety of training activities. We have become a leading institute in the provision of customized and creative learning solutions to institutions and individuals from both public and private sectors. For example, we enhance the capacities of individuals and training institutions in developing countries to advance green and climate resilient development, offering a range of services such as capacity development for education and training institutions, support for national learning strategies, learning methodology development, and knowledge sharing. We support governmental, nongovernmental and international organizations in enhancing their capacities by offering customizable learning solutions that fit their respective needs. We have partnered with multiple academic, regional and national training to deliver the best learning solutions.

UNITAR NYO hosts Future-Ready Skills: Helping Workers to thrive in a Time of Rapid Technological Change

UNITAR began its first one-day work shop on Future-Ready Skills: Helping Workers to thrive in a Time of Rapid Technological Change on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 in collaboration with the Office of Information Communication Technology (OICT) in United Nations HQ. It brought together Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab and private sector companies who are equipping workers to adjust to new technological challenges. Continuing its strong commitment to training diplomats about the impacts of technological change and the required competences of the job market, UNITAR offered a unique opportunity to learn the latest developments and repercussions of this topic. There will be two more workshops as part of this TechnoNovation Talk series.

UNITAR workshop on future-ready skillsThe morning seminar initiated with opening remarks given by Mr. Marco A. Suazo, head of office of UNITAR New York, where he welcomed the participants and reflected on the profound implications that technology has over the skills that workers need to acquire nowadays. The rapid and continuous expansion of the digital environment demands new skills from the labor force, transforming our current imaginary of traditional training and abilities. Mr. Suazo pointed out the need and convenience of scenarios such as this seminar to provide diplomats and attendants with the necessary information to tackle this new challenge at the regional and country level.

Following these remarks, Mr. George Westerman, Principal Research Scientist at MIT discussed the impacts of a rapid changing technology on the types of jobs that will be increasingly offered in the future. According to his view, although technology has been often seen as a threat to current jobs, it can also be an opportunity to make a more efficient, precise and knowledgeable labor force using infrastructure that complements human capital. Many examples of sophisticated machines and physical infrastructure operated by trained professionals were shared as examples of the benefits technology can bring to people’s careers.

Mr. Westerman mentioned that, on the other hand, recent research for the U.S. economy shows that routine jobs are being gradually replaced by machines and are going to be ultimately eliminated due to automation, increasing inequalities, which represent important threats to economic and social stability. Mr.Westerman closed his presentation stating that the change in the required skill-set worldwide reflects the necessity of updated teaching methods for new generations, providing training in problem solving, critical thinking, leadership and soft skills in general. Following this presentation, a panel composed by Ms. Aishwarya Nadgauda, from Cognitive Exchange, Mr. Ram Katamaraja, from Refactored.ai, Ms. Evy Peña from Contratados, Ms. Tracy Tan, from MIT and Mr. Paul Falzone from PVI Wanju Games shared experiences from applied projects seeking to close the digital divide gap among regions and people.

The afternoon workshop was opened by Mr. Westerman, who stated that the goal was to build feasible strategies to tackle the challenge of providing workers with new skills, to keep them in the labor market. Such strategies where discussed in the context of a problem-solving exercise, where participants defined the problem and suggested solutions. Mr. Westerman closed the session highlighting that making people realize which their best career path is must be a fundamental step taken by training institutions and education centers, following the findings of the problem-solving exercise. Different sectors and authorities worldwide must make efforts to provide personalized advisory, learning experiences and certifications in new, disruptive ways. At the completion of the training Mr. Westerman thanked delegates for attending and invited them to keep being involved in this initiative.

Photo 1: Head of Office UNITAR NY, Mr. Marco Suazo handing 2019 UNITAR Catalogue and recent publication to H.E. Mr. Karel Jan Gustaaf van Oosterom, Permanent Representative of Netherlands to the UN. Photo credit: UNITAR NY

Photo 2 : Cover of 2019 UNITAR NY catalogue.

Photo 3 : Cover of 2019 UNITAR Learning Solutions catalogue.

Photo 4 :Head of Office UNITAR NY, Mr. Marco Suazo opening remarks during OICT event. Photo credit: UNITAR NY

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