UNITAR Executive Director invited as a guest speaker at the Brazilian Congress on Innovations contributed to a brainstorming organized for the 4th time by the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry, in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on 3 August 2011. The meeting brought together heads of relevant ministries, presidents of principal public development agencies including FINEP, SEBRAE, and national development bank BNDES, leadership of national and foreign companies based in Brazil, as well as a number of foreign guests in the context of this year’s theme – World Innovations.

Bringing an outside perspective, Carlos Lopes discussed the changing nature of innovation and emerging global trends in innovation policies, providing some examples from the African continent. In conclusion, he referred to the novel perspective proposed by Jeremy Rifkin noting that “one may share or not his view, but it forces all of us to think in new, innovative, terms about how radically and rapidly innovations are transforming our lives and how much opportunity is created for promoting an equitable, environmentally respectful development based on human solidarities”.

For further information about the congress, please visit the National Confederation of Industry Brazil website. 

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