Training Workshop on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette for the Global Fund

Training Workshop on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette for the Global Fund02 November 2018, Geneva, Switzerland - The two-day workshop, which took place on 30-31 October 2018, was an opportunity for members of the Global Fund staff to strengthen their knowledge and understanding of accepted practices in protocol and etiquette in a bilateral environment, as well as in the field of multilateral diplomacy.

The training was delivered by former Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Mr. Bertrand Louis. Throughout his career, he also acted as Deputy Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, while acting as head of the host country division at the Permanent Mission of Switzerland.

Participants spend their first day understanding the origins and historical context of diplomatic protocol, as well as meanings, sources, and basic principles of protocol and etiquette. Additionally, participants also learnt different forms of multilateralism, UN Protocol and liaison services and Swiss and Geneva Protocol as well. To further add on, Ambassador Louis also illustrated protocol guidelines for the organization of official receptions, and highlighted the importance of etiquette and good manners giving examples of good global behaviour (rank and precedence, courtesy in public space, greeting and introductions among others). To give a sense of practicality, participants were given Case Studies with real life situations which they had to present and discuss in groups during the workshop.

To make the workshop even more engaging, Mr. David Chikvaidze, Chef de Cabinet of the UNOG Director General, shared protocol practises and experiences at the UN and UNOG. Also, Ms. Patricia Durand Stimpson, Department of Governing Bodies, WHO, shared her practical experiences on protocol while working at the WHO.

This workshop helped participants to familiarize themselves with the unwritten practices of etiquette, good manners and behaviours of individuals whether on official or private business and to react in an appropriate and proactive manner to arising protocol and etiquette-related questions and challenges.

Image:  H.E. Mr. Bertrand Louis and Mr. David Chikvaidze leading the workshop for the participants. 

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