Training in Multilateral Diplomacy: Achievements and Outlook
16 February 2015, Geneva, Switzerland – The increasing number of daunting global challenges requires intergovernmental bodies to negotiate more and more often in multilateral forums. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen the capacities of diplomats and officials, who are involved in these negotiation processes.
Since UNITAR was founded in 1965, it has provided Core Diplomatic Training for diplomats and officials based in United Nations Headquarters and Offices as well as host cities of United Nations regional commissions. In 2014, UNITAR’s Multilateral Diplomacy Programme (MDP) conducted 14 activities that specifically targeted diplomats. Core Diplomatic Trainings were held not only in Geneva, but also in Vienna and Rome, reaching a total of 420 beneficiaries. Training activities covered topics ranging from Effective Participation in Multilateral Conferences to Public Speaking.
In addition to Core Diplomatic Training, the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme also delivers a variety of tailor-made face-to-face training activities around the world, responding to the training needs of governments, regional bodies, and international organizations. For example, MDP has implemented a joint capacity building programme for Small Island Developing States’ negotiators in Singapore, an ASEAN Summit Preparation Training on Diplomatic Protocol in Nay Pyi Taw (Myanmar), and workshops for African and Asian senior health and environment policy officials in Nairobi (Kenya) and Bangkok (Thailand). In 2014, MDP’s face-to-face training activities reached an all-time high of more than 1300 beneficiaries.
MDP not only delivers face-to-face trainings, but also e-Learning courses on diplomacy and multilateral affairs. Many courses are now well established and run several times a year, including for example United Nations Protocol and Climate Change Diplomacy: Negotiating Effectively under the UNFCCC. Responding to the growing numbers of e-Learning beneficiaries, MDP has recently added a new course to its e-Learning portfolio, entitled Cultural Diplomacy in a Multipolar World. This new course examines the role of cultural diplomacy in the 21st Century, and responds to the growing understanding of the significance of soft power in achieving states’ objectives in the international realm.
Drawing on the positive achievements of 2014, MDP has already begun a new series of trainings in 2015. The next Core Diplomatic Training workshops will be held in March and April on Diplomatic Protocol in Geneva and Negotiating, Drafting and Adopting UN Resolutions, respectively. Moreover, the Programme is currently developing new Core Diplomatic Training activities, scheduled for the second half of 2015. Furthermore, we are accepting applications for the remaining seats in the February-March edition of our e-Learning course Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy.
Related links
Core Diplomatic Training Calendar 2015
Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy e-Learning course
Photo: Shutterstock