Arusha/Geneva-Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA) and UNITAR have agreed to launch the pilot phase of a joint e-Learning project, and specifically to develop and conduct an online course on “Key issues of international trade” for the benefit of African media professionals. Through promoting timely and knowledgeable reporting on international trade issues this project is expected to enhance the ability of African officials to participate effectively in trade negotiations, and to promote participation of civil society and private sector in trade policy development and monitoring.

Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA) and UNITAR have recently agreed to cooperate to launch in quarter 4 of 2011 the pilot phase of a joint e-Learning project. As their first joint activity, TRAPCA and UNITAR will develop and conduct an instructor-led online course on “Key issues of international trade” for the benefit of African media professionals. Building on the respective comparative advantages of TRAPCA and UNITAR, the course will strengthen the capacity of a core group of African media professionals to analyze trade issues relevant to Sub-Saharan Africa, enabling them to provide timely and knowledgeable information and analysis to government officials, policy makers, civil society representatives and business leaders.

The course will be conducted through the Internet and mentored by a panel of senior African and international trade experts. The e-Learning format involves moving the learning experience out of the traditional classroom and into the learner's world. It means participants will be able to benefit from TRAPCA’s vast technical expertise in the area of international trade, learn and engage in practical discussions with senior experts and with their peers at any time, any place and without geographical or scheduling barriers. 

Course dates and additional information about the course will be published shortly on the UNITAR website at

For more information about the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (TRAPCA), please visit:

For more information about UNITAR e-Learning courses in the areas of public finance and trade, please visit:  

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