14 of July 2017 New York, USA - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) co-organized an event alongside the United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UN DESA) titled "Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement For Eradicating Poverty And Achieving the SDGs”. The event took place during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on sustainable development, a week that focuses on a review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
The event was comprised of a morning session that began with opening remarks from Mr. Nikhil Seth, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNITAR, Ms. Alessanrda Nilo, Executive Director, Brazilian NGO GESTOS, Ms. Lotta Tahtinen who serves as the Chief of Outreach and Communications Branch of UN DESA and Mr. Alex Mejia, Senior Manager at UNITAR. All the panellist strongly emphasized the importance of the key principles of defining engagement approaches by mapping key stakeholders, and identifying the key elements of a VNR Stakeholder engagement strategy. The course was open to government officials, the representatives of civil society and other stakeholders providing a diversity of perspectives.
The event was divided into three parts and they were all facilitated by Ms. Aranzazu Guillan Montero a Senior Governance and Public Administration Officer at UN DESA, Ms.Alessandra Nilo, and Ms. Elena Proden, a specialist at UNITAR. The first part focused on the engagement between government and stakeholders. Ms. Alessandra Nilo explained the importance of participatory approaches for review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda and noted the five best practices for a meaningful stakeholder engagement. The second part was led by Ms. Elena Proden. Her presentation consisted of legal, regulatory, and institutional framework that enables a conductive and strong stakeholder environment. The final part of the event was led by Ms. Aranzazu Guillan Montero. She emphasized the key elements of a national VNR Stakeholder engagement. There was an interactive activity where participants listed and defined key features, examples of approaches, tools and a list of good practices under the four level of engagement.
Photos: Panelists and participants of the event