22 October 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is a country known for its breathtaking landscapes and mountainous terrain. However, this landlocked nation faces significant environmental challenges. As one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, Bhutan’s fragile ecosystem, with around 2,700 glaciers, is increasingly impacted by global warming. Melting glaciers have led to increased risks of floods, landslides, and other natural disasters, threatening communities and ecosystems. 

In response to these challenges, the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT),  in collaboration with Bhutan’s government, has focused on enhancing the country’s resilience through the use of advanced geospatial information technologies (GIT). By strengthening local capacities, UNOSAT plays a pivotal role in supporting Bhutan’s efforts to address climate vulnerability and improve disaster risk management. 

The Project: Strengthening Capacities in the Use of Geospatial Information for Improved Resilience in Asia, Pacific and Africa

Supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), UNOSAT has been implementing a three-year project aimed at strengthening capacities in the use of geospatial information technologies across Asia, Pacific and Africa. This project seeks to enhance knowledge and skills in geographic information management, introduce advanced  technological solutions, and provide integrated decision-making tools related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Resilience, environmental preservation, and food security. UNOSAT’s regional liaison offices in Bangkok, Thailand (Asia) and Nairobi, Kenya East (Africa) lead these efforts, tailoring programs to meet country-specific needs. 

In Bhutan, comprehensive capacity development activities, such as national technical training programmes and technical backstopping services, have been instrumental in improving land monitoring and management. The project team also successfully developed several decision support systems to support Thimphu Thromde (Municipal Office) in the effective management of land resources.  These initiatives focus on delivering long-term solutions to environmental and developmental challenges, directly contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

Our Work in Bhutan

Technical Training 

Six technical training sessions were delivered throughout the project, focusing on enhancing Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) capabilities. The training programs covered a wide array of topics, including cloud GIS, UAV data collection, advanced remote sensing, and web application development using open-source platforms such as GeoNode. These sessions were customized to cater to the needs of government institutions such as the National Land Commission Secretariat (NLCS), Department of Surface Transport, and Bhutan Power Corporation, among others. 

Technical Backstopping 

In addition to multiple training sessions, UNOSAT provided ongoing technical support, known as technical backstopping, to ensure that Bhutanese institutions could continue leveraging GIT in their daily operations. Over the course of the project, 20 requests were submitted, primarily from divisions within NLCS and other governmental bodies. These requests focused on issues such as integrating GIS data into government workflows, applying geospatial analysis to disaster risk assessments, and enhancing data accuracy.  

UNOSAT’s approach emphasizes sustainability; while they support these requests, they prioritize training local personnel to develop their capacity to manage and utilize geospatial information independently over time. This close collaboration between UNOSAT experts and Bhutanese partners has significantly contributed to developing local capacity for disaster resilience, ensuring that the skills learned during training are effectively applied in real-world situations. 

To further strengthen Bhutan’s geospatial infrastructure, UNOSAT developed three web-based applications aimed at improving decision-making and data management. The first application, focused on UAV image processing, allowed Bhutanese agencies to securely process and analyze aerial imagery, aiding in environmental monitoring and disaster response. The second, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool, enabled government agencies to make more informed decisions based on geospatial data. Launched in April 2024, the MCDA tool saw immediate usage, with over 121 unique visitors accessing the platform to support their decision-making processes. 

The third application, the NLCS Geospatial Data Hub, serves as a centralized platform for geospatial data management, facilitating collaboration between various government departments. This platform has been particularly valuable for integrating land management efforts across Bhutan’s ministries, providing secure, real-time access to critical geospatial data. 

Achievements and Impact

UNOSAT’s capacity-strenghtening efforts have led to significant improvements in Bhutan’s ability to manage natural resources and address disaster risks. The enhanced technical capabilities of government staff, combined with the introduction of cutting-edge tools, have enabled Bhutan to take proactive measures in safeguarding its environment. 

One notable achievement was the successful use of UAV imagery in mapping landslide-prone areas, which provided authorities with detailed data to mitigate risks in vulnerable regions. The training and technical backstopping provided to local agencies also facilitated the integration of geospatial technologies into disaster response plans, ensuring faster and more efficient interventions. 

Mr. Chokila, Superintendent Survey Engineer at the National Land Commission Secretariat (NLCS), played a key role in driving the integration of geospatial technologies in Bhutan. Reflecting on the training provided by UNOSAT, he remarked, "UNOSAT's training programmes were pivotal in expanding my technical repertoire and acquainting me with advanced tools in geospatial technology." The introduction of UAV data collection revolutionized traditional surveying methods, significantly enhancing efficiency and accuracy in land management. "The UAV data collection and mapping training provided by UNOSAT empowered us to modernize our traditional surveying techniques," Chokila added. His leadership in developing a GIS dashboard for the Gelephu Mindfulness City project underscored the practical application of these skills. "The GIS dashboard serves as a powerful tool for data visualization and analysis that empowers informed decision-making and planning." Chokila's collaborative efforts also bolstered cross-agency cooperation, helping to establish robust data-sharing mechanisms essential for sustainable development. "Collaboration is indispensable to maximizing the potential of geospatial technology. By facilitating knowledge exchange and resource sharing, we can amplify the impact of our work and drive sustainable development initiatives forward," he emphasized. 

These achievements reflect the broader impact of the project, empowering Bhutan to enhance its disaster resilience and environmental stewardship. The long-term partnerships established between UNOSAT and Bhutanese agencies have laid the groundwork for sustained progress, ensuring that geospatial technologies will continue to play a central role in the country’s development. 

These efforts, backed by NORADs support in Bhutan exemplify a dedicated approach to empowering local institutions with the skills and tools necessary for effective geospatial management and disaster resilience. By focusing on capacity-building initiatives and fostering collaboration among various governmental agencies, UNOSAT not only enhances  technical expertise but also promotes a culture of sustainable land management. 

As Bhutan navigates the complexities of climate vulnerability and rapid development, the project’s emphasis on inclusive practices ensures that all communities, particularly marginalized groups, are equipped to adapt to future challenges. The successes achieved through this initiative lay a strong foundation for ongoing cooperation, fostering a resilient and informed society that can harness geospatial technologies to support sustainable development goals. Ultimately, the commitment to strengthening capacities within Bhutan paves the way for a more secure and prosperous future for its citizens, and UNOSAT is proud to play a part in this important journey. 

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