Since 2006, UNITAR trained almost 700 beneficiaries in the field of multilateral diplomacy through its online learning platform. In 2010, UNITAR is developing and offering an unprecedented amount of new courses in this field, including on Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiation, the United Nations System, Diplomatic Protocol, Mediation Skills, Chairing Meetings and International Conferences, as well as Drafting UN Resolutions.

UNITAR has utilized Web 2.0 technology to expand its capacity-buillding trainings to a larger and more diverse audience. The Multilateral Diplomacy Programme (MDP) has focused its e-Learning course development on strengthening the skills of participants who work in multilateral fora, including staff of international and non-governmental organizations, and members of the diplomatic community as well as government officials.

UNITAR prioritizes capacity-building for beneficiaries from developing and least developed countries. Since 2006, 39 per cent of MDP online course participants have been from the African continent. UNITAR also regards the passing and dropout rate of its participants as an important indicator of their level of commitment and interest in the material (i.e., the course’s relevance to the learner). To date, 86 per cent of MDP e-learning participants have successfully completed their courses.

Click here to read more about UNITAR's e-Learning methodology, and here to see the current MDP list of 2010 e-Learning courses.

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