UNITAR is pleased to announce that registration is now open for its e-Learning course on the Bilateral and Multilateral Negotiation, due to start on 21st February, 2011. Following the success of this course last year, UNITAR’s Multilateral Diplomacy Programme is currently developing more online courses in French language which will focus on the following topics: United Nations Protocol, Multilateral Conferences and Diplomacy, Chairing International Meetings and Climate Change Diplomacy. Theses courses initially developed and implemented in English will be translated into French thanks to funding received from the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). UNITAR is grateful to its partner for their continued support in the implementation of training activities in French… Read more

These courses target mid to senior-level government officers in ministries preparing for and/or working in a multilateral environment as well as staff of intergovernmental / nongovernmental organizations. It also targets entry-level and mid-career diplomats working in a multilateral setting. The courses are also open to students and professionals from the private sector.

All courses last between two and eight weeks, are internet-based and are moderated asynchronously by senior international experts. Each course emphasises the value of participation in online discussions and the flexibility of self-paced learning. All participants are primarily responsible for their own learning over the duration of the course.

Course fees are between 600 to 800 USD per participant. The Multilateral Diplomacy Programme offers a limited number of fellowships for participants who are nationals from Least Developed Countries (LDCs). More information on the fellowships available can be found at: http://www.unitar.org/mdp/e-learning/fellowships

For more information about course content, registration and fees, please visit the following webpage: http://www.unitar.org/mdp/e-learning/courses

Please do not hesitate to contact the Multilateral Diplomacy Programme if you require any further information: mdp-elearning@unitar.org.

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