The e-Learning course on “Negotiating for Conflict and Dispute Resolution”, which was mentored by senior negotiation expert Dr. El Hadji A. Diouf, had 31 participants from all five continents. The diversity of participants rendered very lively and insightful discussions about various key aspects of negotiation and dispute resolution such as how to manage conflict, the differences between positional and interest-based negotiation, and the importance of actively listening to the other party.

On the whole, participants provided very positive feedback on the course, below is a comment from a course participant:

“It has been interesting to study about conflict resolution from a theoretical approach with structure and logic behind a lot of problem solving we apply in our every day life both in professional and personal capacity. It has made me more aware of thinking of what kind of strategy one can take in solving a problem in the future.”- Ms. Ayako KAGAWA, UN Secretariat, New York, USA

As it is, 'negotiation' is a complex set of interactions between parties or individuals. Add to it the dimension of 'conflict', and we find ourselves on very slippery terrain. This online course which emphasises learning by doing is a primer on negotiating for conflict and dispute resolution. It aims at providing participants with the fundamental understanding and tools for complex negotiations under conflict situations. This course is also the first in a series and focuses on understanding conflict, procedures for dispute resolution, tools for negotiating under conflict situations as well as effective communication and decision making.

For more information about UNITAR e-Learning courses in the areas of public finance and trade, please visit:

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