“Sustainable energy—energy that is accessible, cleaner and more efficient—powers opportunity.
It grows economies. It lights up homes, schools and hospitals. It empowers women and local communities.
And it paves a path out of poverty to greater prosperity for all.” (UN Sustainable Energy for All)
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL (SE4ALL) is an initiative launched by the United Nations Secretary-General and guided by his High Level Group inviting key actors to the table to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030. With three interlinked objectives: providing universal access to modern energy services; doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix the initiative aims to power opportunity while helping to stabilize climate change. And to maintain the growing momentum for cleaner and more efficient energy solutions UN General Assembly declared 2014-2024 to be the “Decade of Sustainable Energy for All”. The declaration, adopted unanimously by the 193 Member States, was followed by harsh statistics: over 1.3 billion people worldwide are still without electricity, and more than 2.6 billion people rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating.
To mark the launch of the Sustainable Energy for All Decade, CIFAL Scotland, UNITAR, the University of Strathclyde, and the Scottish Government have worked together to launch an e-learning course on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries.
This online programme will give a comprehensive overview of renewable energy as a means to enable sustainable development and explore how renewable energies represent at the same time an environmental necessity but also an economic opportunity for developing countries.The course aims to enhance the capacity of local decision makers, energy/sustainable development officers and other personnel to make an informed decision on which renewable energy technologies will meet their own needs or the needs of their countries, communities, villages or neighbourhoods. It aims to provide an overview of clean, secure and sustainable technology options for the development and offer insights into the management of renewable energy projects, from small scale, through to major projects.
We live at a time of ever-rising oil prices, which have a disproportionate effect on developing countries, where economies are hit by the burden of soaring energy costs, threatening fragile national budgets and offsetting gains from poverty reduction programs, international development projects, and debt relief efforts. In a world that is likely to see ever-rising oil prices it is hard to argue the point that the future of renewable energies is bright and sunny particularly in the developing countries. We all know that the business-as-usual scenario is no longer an option. We hope this programme, put together by the UK renewable energies experts will chart the way to the energy future we want.
For more information see www.cifalscotland.org or contact elearning@cifalscotland.org