The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) invites you to participate in the newest edition of its two new e-Learning courses on Public Diplomacy in a Multipolar World and Mediation Skills that will take place from 12 November – 14 December 2012. The fee for each course is: 600 USD.

A major challenge for governments is how to develop effective public diplomacy, and optimize the use of their soft power, in a rapidly changing global environment.  The on-line course on Public Diplomacy in a Multipolar World aims to help participants understand what public diplomacy is, how its practice has evolved over time and how the current challenges are being addressed. It will also examine a range of tools and techniques available to public diplomacy practitioners.

For more information and registration please visit:

The e-Learning course on Mediation Skills aims to improve the practical skills of participants in international mediation and in understanding the role of the UN in resolving conflicts. The course will offer insights into the mediation process. The course will also assess the process of gaining entry into a mediation initiative and examine the early and later stages of mediation. In particular, it will touch upon the importance of re-framing, active listening and communication when trying to generate options and crafting an agreement that is acceptable to all the parties.

For more information and registration please visit:

You may find some useful information on “how to register” on:

Please note that places are limited and due to high demand, we encourage participants to register as soon as possible. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: / +41 22 917 87 16.

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