Climate Change has been at the top of the international agenda for some time now and the magnitude of the issue needs to be understood, specifically regarding the correlation between trade and environment. This sparks the debate about their relationship in terms of agreements and measures to mitigate climate change effects. In light of this ongoing debate, UNITAR, in conjunction with the World Trade Institute (WTI, University of Bern), has decided to develop a new e-learning course on Trade and Climate Change, to be conducted from 31 May to 25 June, 2010.

Participants will gain a comprehensive insight of the legal and economic issues arising from the climate change debate. More especially, the course will cover the legality under international trade rules of domestic and international trade measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also, particular attention will be devoted to developing country concerns, including the economic implications for developing countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) affecting climate change, the WTO negotiations on environmental goods and services, as well as intellectual property protection issues, including their role in mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Further information and registration is available at:


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