NAP-GSP Launches a New Publication on “Skills Assessment for National Adaptation Planning”
4 April 2015, Bonn, Germany - UNITAR together with joint UNDP-UNEP National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Support Programme held a parallel session at the NAP Expo 2015 entitled Building National Capacities for the NAP Process.
The side event was conducted in French and English and focused on the launch of a NAP-GSP knowledge product entitled “Skills Assessment for National Adaptation Planning – How Countries Can Identify the Gap” developed by UNITAR in collaboration with the NAP-GSP.
The framework was developed and pre-tested during a mission to Niger carried out by the NAP-GSP in mid 2014.
Angus Mackay, Head of the UNITAR Climate Change Programme, provided an overview of the skills assessment framework explaining the reasons for a more systematic and tailored approach to skills development.
He highlighted that adaptation planning implies the need for institutional capacities and individual skills at several institutional levels. At that scope, the skills assessment tool can help countries to better understand the training needs of those involved in adaptation planning at all government levels.
The skills assessment tool can be used according to the three following steps: 1) describing the existing skills available 2) locating skills at different institutional levels and 3) identifying gaps where skills development is needed.
Finally, Mr. Mackay presented the main findings of the NAP-GSP support mission to Niger and gave a snapshot of what the skills development plan can look like based on immediate measures. The skills assessment tool and approach are expected to be further field-tested through additional NAP country missions.
During the session, additional countries’ experiences in building capacities for the NAP process were illustrated with examples of support from the NAP-GSP and partners.
Photo 1: The Skills Assessment for National Adaptation Planning, cover page
Photo 2: Angus Mackay from UNITAR illustrates some of the elements of the skills assessment framework
Photo 3: Individual Skills and Institutional Capacities for Adaptation Planning, p. 13
Photo 4: The three steps of the Skills Assessment framework, p. 10
Photo 5: Ms Rohini Kohli from the NAP-GSP provides an overview of the issue of capacity development within the NAP process during the parallel session at the NAP Expo