In cooperation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of São Tomé and Principe and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of São Tomé, UNITAR has successfully implemented two workshops for the benefit of diplomats and government officials of São Tomé. The first training focused on the training of trainers and the second on conference diplomacy and multilateral negotiations.

His Excellency Mr. Manuel Salvador dos Ramos, Minister of Foreign Affairs and His Excellency Américo de Oliveira dos Ramos, Minister of Finances and International Cooperation opened the workshops jointly with Mr. António Viegas, representing the UNDP. The distinguished guests pronounced inspiring speeches, addressing the diplomats and civil servants of various Ministries of the government. They were encouraged to seize this opportunity to enhance their skills.

The workshops dealt with the training-related skills on one hand and with negotiation skills along with an introduction to the conference diplomacy world on the other hand. The first workshop focused on the strengthening of trainers learning and teaching styles, along with the techniques which enable a more precise and charismatic presentation, before dealing with evaluation and monitoring. The second workshop enabled the participants to seize the informal and formal processes of conferences and to experiment negotiation techniques through simulation exercises. Both dealing with crucial issues, the workshops were implemented thanks to an interactive methodology, through the extensive use of videos, role game and practical exercises. Such methodology enables the participants to experiment for themselves the theoretical knowledge brought by the high-skills trainers and interact and share. The links between the various ministries represented are therefore tightened.

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