"Smarter partnerships in a complex world: the potential of MDG 8"

20 September, 10 am – 2:30 pm, Conference Room 5, North Lawn Building, UN Headquarters“

Partnerships lie at the heart of success stories of progress towards the MDGs. In the current context of decreasing ODA, smarter partnerships involving new actors, innovative features and accountability have proven their effectiveness in leveraging the maximum from development resources. They should be replicated to further accelerate progress towards the MDGs by 2015.

This event will showcase outstanding partnership practices that have contributed to advancing the MDGs in the areas of:

  • Aid and development
  • Emergency response, and
  • Human rights

10am-12.45pm Session 1. Partnerships that work – what do we know?

The potential of MDG 8 is still largely unexploited. An initial discussion will highlight partnerships that have helped to achieve the MDGs, drawing lessons for the future. Innovative partnerships offer additional scope for accelerating MDG achievement over the next five years; a second discussion will look at some examples.

1.15pm-2.30pm Session 2. The audience decides: how do we make partnerships smarter?

Everyone agrees that partnerships are essential, but what really works? In this TV-style debate, panellists will put forward concrete recommendations to the General Assembly in a manifesto for MDG 8. The audience will decide what it should contain.

The event will be held in English. No Translation is provided.

Please note that participation is limited – only register if you are sure you will attend. To register, please visit http://www.unitar.org/ny/event_registration

Registration closes on Tuesday, 14 September 2010

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