9 February 2012, Hiroshima, Japan - Mayor of Hiroshima Kazumi Matsui had a first meeting with members of the Green Legacy Hiroshima (GLH), led by Tomoko Watanabe and Nassrine Azimi. The Mayor expressed his love of trees and his full support to the initiative. He stated that the 5,000+ members of the Mayors for Peace network could also be interested to learn about this original and far-reaching idea, and reassured the GLH team that City staff would assist them in any manner possible, including with the procedural aspects related to certification and international dispatch.

For more information about the Green Legacy Hiroshima initiative, please contact: Nassrine Azimi: greenlegacy<at>unitar.org or Tomoko Watanabe: green<at>ant-hiroshima.org

Front: Nassrine Azimi (left), Mayor Kazumi Matsui (right)
Back from left to right: Naoko Koizumi (GLH), Hideko Yamada (ANT/GLH), Berin McKenzie (UNITAR), Chikara Horiguchi (GLH), Tomoko Watanabe (ANT/GLH), Alex Mejia (UNITAR), Steve Leeper (Chairman, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation), Toshiro Yuasa (Executive Director, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation), Kensuke Wakabayashi (Director, International Peace Promotion Department).

Photo courtesy: Public Relations Department, Hiroshima City

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