Launch Event for Youth and Peacebuilding e-Learning course and AC4’s YPS Leadership Certificate
27 April 2018, New York, United States –The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) hosted a launch event for UNITAR’s free e-learning course on Youth and Peacebuilding and AC4’s YPS Leadership Certificate. The event was co-hosted by H.E. Ms. Urujeni Bakuramutsa, Deputy Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations and moderated by Ms. Margaret Williams, Senior Peace and Security Officer at the World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA). The event was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
On 09 December, 2015, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted its first ever resolution on Youth, Peace and Security (UNSCR 2250), thereby recognizing the importance of the positive contributions which young people are making to the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security. While Resolution 2250 has set the frame for a wider debate on this topic, it does not provide concrete guidance on effective responses at local, national, regional and international levels. In line with that priority and to bring the messages to a wider group of audience, UNITAR, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and Columbia University’s Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) hosted an open dialogue during the event in order to channel into action through global capacity building.
Throughout the event, participants were extremely interactive and were eager to learn about the UNITAR’s newly launched e-cLearning course. The informative panel has answered the questions and introduced the methodologies of the course including how will the course enable the learners from around the world to explore the possible entry points for young people’s engagement in peacebuilding activities. The course provides opportunity to develop strategies for youth empowerment and serves to enhance basic skills that are critical for successfully contributing to peacebuilding processes, for youth around the world who are longing for making changes and promoting peacebuilding agendas.
The highly successful launch event provided several insights for participants to further strengthen youth peacebuilding education. Everyone has realized the importance of the supports networks of practitioners and policy-makers’ engagements in the local and international Youth Peace and Security agenda.
Related links
Youth and Peacebuilding- Youth Partners version:
Youth and Peacebuilding – Youth Version: