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24 June 2024, Geneva, Switzerland - On 15 August 2024, UNITAR will host a pivotal webinar titled "The State of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2024." This event aims to explore AI's transformative impact on various sectors, including governance, commerce, and employment.

Key Themes

The webinar will cover the latest advancements in AI, key drivers, and the potential achievements AI can bring. Participants will learn how AI is reshaping industries and the global economy, and strategies for leveraging AI to meet sustainable development goals.

The event is tailored to government officials, corporate leaders, and professionals from development agencies, academia, civil society, and other fields. It aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools needed to facilitate AI adoption effectively.

Webinar Highlights

  • Current AI Landscape: Examination of significant advancements and areas of development in AI.
  • Industry Disruptions: Insights into how AI is disrupting traditional industries and creating new opportunities.
  • Global Strategies: A look at how different countries are approaching AI regulation, strategy, and implementation.
  • Strategic Planning: Practical guidance on developing robust AI strategies tailored to specific needs.

Why Attend?

This webinar provides a unique opportunity to understand the profound potential of AI and its implications across various sectors. By gathering a diverse group of stakeholders, the event aims to foster a collaborative approach to AI adoption, ensuring participants are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of AI integration.


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a dedicated training arm of the United Nations. In 2022, UNITAR trained over 395,000 learners around the world to support their actions for a better future. In addition to our headquarters in Geneva, we have offices in Hiroshima, New York and Bonn and networks around the world.

The Division for Prosperity is based in the Hiroshima Office and Geneva. We seek to shape an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world through world-class learning and knowledge-sharing services on entrepreneurship, leadership, finance and trade, digital technologies and nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. We empower individuals from least-developed countries, countries emerging from conflict and small-island developing states – especially women and young people – to bring about positive change.

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